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Complete Guide to Install Cursor AI IDE on Ubuntu 24.04


In the world of software development, having efficient tools is crucial to optimizing workflow. Cursor AI IDE has become a popular AI-powered code editor designed to enhance developer productivity. This tutorial will guide you step by step on how to install Cursor AI IDE on Ubuntu 24.04, ensuring proper integration into your development environment.

Method 1: Manuel Installation

1. Download the Cursor AppImage File

Visit the official Cursor website at and download the latest version of the AppImage file. This file allows you to run the software without a traditional installation.

2. Move the AppImage File to a Designated Folder

To keep things organized, move the downloaded file to a dedicated applications folder:

cd ~/Downloads
mkdir -p ~/Applications
mv cursor-*.AppImage ~/Applications/cursor.AppImage

3. Install Required Dependencies

Cursor requires libfuse2 to function correctly. Install it by running:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libfuse2

4. Grant Execution Permissions to the AppImage

Ensure the AppImage has execution permissions:

chmod +x ~/Applications/cursor.AppImage

5. Run Cursor with --no-sandbox Option

Due to security configurations in Ubuntu 24.04, it is recommended to run Cursor with the --no-sandbox option:

~/Applications/cursor.AppImage --no-sandbox

6. Create a Desktop Entry for Menu Access

To make Cursor accessible from the application menu, create a .desktop file:

  1. Open a text editor with superuser privileges:

    sudo nano /usr/share/applications/cursor.desktop
  2. Add the following content:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Cursor AI IDE
    Exec=/home/your_user/Applications/cursor.AppImage --no-sandbox

    Replace your_user with your actual username and ensure the icon path is correct.

  3. Save and close the file.

7. Add an Alias to Run Cursor from Terminal

To simplify launching Cursor from the terminal, add an alias to your shell configuration file:

  1. Open .bashrc file:

    nano ~/.bashrc
  2. Append the following line:

    # Alias for Cursor AI IDE
    alias cursor='~/Applications/cursor.AppImage --no-sandbox'
  3. Save the file and reload the configuration:

    source ~/.bashrc

Method 2: Automated Installation with Script

You can automate all the previous steps using a script. Below is an example of a script based on the content of the gist (with incorporated corrections and comments from various users):

1. Create the script:

Open a text editor and save the following content in a file named, for example,


# Definición de variables de rutas y URLs

# Función para instalar Cursor AI IDE
function installCursor() {
  if [ -f "$APPIMAGE_PATH" ]; then
    echo "Cursor AI IDE ya está instalado. Para actualizar, ejecute el script con el parámetro 'update'."
    exit 0
  echo "Instalando Cursor AI IDE..."

  # Verificar si curl está instalado
  if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null; then
    echo "curl no está instalado. Instalando..."
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y curl

  # Descargar el AppImage
  echo "Descargando Cursor AppImage..."
  sudo curl -L $CURSOR_URL -o $APPIMAGE_PATH
  sudo chmod +x $APPIMAGE_PATH

  # Descargar el ícono
  echo "Descargando el ícono de Cursor..."
  sudo curl -L $ICON_URL -o $ICON_PATH

  # Crear la entrada de escritorio (.desktop)
  echo "Creando entrada de escritorio..."
  sudo bash -c "cat > $DESKTOP_ENTRY_PATH" <<EOL
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Cursor AI IDE
Exec=$APPIMAGE_PATH --no-sandbox

  # Agregar alias al archivo de configuración de shell (.bashrc)
  echo "Agregando alias 'cursor' a .bashrc..."
  bash -c "cat >> \$HOME/.bashrc" <<EOL

# Alias para Cursor AI IDE
function cursor() {
    $APPIMAGE_PATH --no-sandbox "\${@}" > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown

  # Recargar la configuración del shell para aplicar el alias
  source \$HOME/.bashrc

  echo "Instalación completada. Puede iniciar Cursor AI IDE desde el menú de aplicaciones o usando el comando 'cursor'."

# Función para actualizar Cursor AI IDE
function updateCursor() {
  if ! [ -f "$APPIMAGE_PATH" ]; then
    echo "Cursor AI IDE no está instalado. Primero ejecute la instalación usando 'install'."
    exit 1
  echo "Actualizando Cursor AI IDE..."

  # Verificar si curl está instalado
  if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null; then
    echo "curl no está instalado. Instalando..."
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y curl

  # Descargar la nueva versión del AppImage
  echo "Descargando la nueva versión del AppImage..."
  sudo curl -L $CURSOR_URL -o $APPIMAGE_PATH
  sudo chmod +x $APPIMAGE_PATH

  # Descargar el ícono actualizado
  echo "Descargando el ícono actualizado..."
  sudo curl -L $ICON_URL -o $ICON_PATH

  echo "Actualización completada."

# Función para desinstalar Cursor AI IDE
function uninstallCursor() {
  if ! [ -f "$APPIMAGE_PATH" ]; then
    echo "Cursor AI IDE no está instalado."
    exit 1
  echo "Desinstalando Cursor AI IDE..."

  # Eliminar AppImage y el ícono
  sudo rm -f $APPIMAGE_PATH
  sudo rm -f $ICON_PATH

  # Eliminar la entrada de escritorio
  sudo rm -f $DESKTOP_ENTRY_PATH

  # Avisar al usuario que el alias agregado en .bashrc deberá eliminarse manualmente
  echo "Por favor, elimine manualmente la función alias 'cursor' de su archivo ~/.bashrc si ya no la desea."
  echo "Desinstalación completada."

# Función para mostrar el uso del script
function showUsage() {
  echo "Uso: $0 {install|update|uninstall}"
  exit 1

# Comprobar que se haya pasado un parámetro
if [ -z "$1" ]; then

# Seleccionar la acción según el parámetro recibido
case "$1" in

2. Make the script executable and run it:

chmod +x
sudo ./

Important: Since the script installs files in system directories (such as /opt and /usr/share/applications), it must be executed with administrator privileges (using sudo).

Summary of Steps

  1. Download the AppImage from
  2. Move the file to an appropriate location (e.g., ~/Applications or /opt).
  3. Install the required dependencies: libfuse2 (and curl if needed).
  4. Grant execution permissions to the AppImage file.
  5. Run the AppImage using --no-sandbox.
  6. Create a desktop entry (.desktop) to integrate Cursor into the application menu.
  7. Add an alias in your shell configuration file to simplify launching from the terminal.
  8. (Optional) Use a script to automate all steps.


By following these steps, you will successfully install and configure Cursor AI IDE on your Ubuntu 24.04 system. This AI-powered tool will help improve your workflow and productivity in software development. Ensure you keep the software updated and explore its full capabilities to maximize its benefits.